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請填妥以下表格,接收安聯投資WhatsApp官方帳號發放的最新市場概況、多媒體內容及活動邀請 (合作夥伴專用)!

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Personal Information Collection Statement

  • Allianz Global Investors Asia Pacific Limited (“AllianzGI”) would like to use your personal data (Name, Mobile number and Company email) collected from you for providing its information only via its official WhatsApp account.
    安聯環球投資亞太有限公司(以下稱「安聯投資」)擬將收集所得有關 閣下的個人資料(姓名、手機號碼及公司電郵),僅用作於安聯投資WhatsApp官方帳號發放其本身所提供的資訊。
  • AllianzGI would like to use your personal data collected from you to handle your Opt-in / Opt-out request for receiving messages delivered via its official WhatsApp account.
    安聯投資擬亦將收集所得有關 閣下的個人資料用作處理 閣下接收/ 取消接收安聯投資WhatsApp官方帳號發放資訊之有關用途。
  • AllianzGI may also transfer your personal data collected from you to its service providers for the above purposes.
    安聯投資或將收集所得有關 閣下的個人資料轉移予其服務供應商用作上述用途。
  • AllianzGI may not use your personal data without your consent for the above purpose. Please refer to Data Protection Policy for more details.
    未經 閣下同意,安聯投資不得使用 閣下的個人資料作上述用途。詳情請參閱保障個人資料政策